Sunday, April 17, 2011

rainbows in the park

It occurred to me today that my tags are mostly blank - they have a goldfish on them, but no name, no blog URL, not so much as a "with love".  This is something I'll have to remedy today.

On a slightly more yarnbomb-y note:

yeeeeah it's number two!
Here's something that I did today (yes, today).  I really wanted to do a day-bomb but it's hard to work up the courage to.. so I went to a semi-obscure location.  The people riding by on bicycles and walking their dogs did make me a little nervous, I'll admit, but nobody said a word.. not even a 'hello'.  So there I sat, overlooking the busy street and stitching.

It really was a perfect location in terms of being noticed - my first one was at a stop sign so yeah, you saw it when you stopped, but then you moved on.  This is on a walking trail, so you cannot drive by it, you must be walking, and you are able to touch it, take photographs of it, and really enjoy it.  It's a great gift, if I do say so myself, and it does dress up the "OMG DROWNING" sign nicely.

"OMG DROWNING" sign, pre-bomb.

This little gem can be viewed on 30th Street near the Garden of the Gods - you may park your car in that little lot across from The Navigators and walk up the trail just a bit to see it.  If you prefer, you can also see more pictures on my Facebook Page for Little Goldfish.

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